Are you a Stephen Covey fan? His son, Sean Covey, builds on the original 7
Habits and shares ideas for youth on his website, Inspiring Greatness in Youth, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Like the writings of Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale
before them, these ideas are guiding principles for a fulfilling and successful
Do you or your school have guidelines that are shared with students? Our
incoming freshman students at FCHS
take a one semester course, Career and College Readiness, and the book, The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective Teens is the text for the course. I challenge you to come up with your own
guiding principles for you and your students this year.
Here are my 7 Mind/Heart
Habits of Highly Effective Teachers:
- Sees the whole child, both as a learner and a human being
- Has belief in every child’s future
- Always a learner, embraces failure as much as success
- Fearless of: poverty, naysayers, technology, petty tyrants, and ‘you name it’
- Remains idealistic in the face of political and economic reality
- Champions public education for all, not just the few, or the majority
- Gratefully celebrates being “just a teacher”
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